Transportation Engg -I
CE251 Transportation Engineering-I
Lecture plans and corresponding references shared in email
Lecture Materials:
Module 1 - Highway Development and Planning (Traffic Management)
Instructor - Dr. Agnivesh P
L1-2 - Introduction and Highway Development
Module 2 - Highway Geometric Design
Instructor - Dr. Abhisek Mudgal
L8 to L20 - Notes by Dr. Abhisek Mudgal (Cross section elements, horizontal alignment, superelevation, vertical alignment)
Module 3 - Highway Materials and Testing
Instructor - Dr. Agnivesh P
L21-22 - Highway materials and pavement system
L23-24 - Soil testing and modulus for highway design
L25 - Aggregates
L26 - Bitumen
L27 - Bituminous Mix
Module 4 - Design of Highway Intersection and Pavements
Instructor - Dr. Agnivesh P
L36-37 - Intersections (Uncontrolled and Controlled)
L38 - Signal Design Methods - Trial cycle, approximation, Webster's, IRC
L39 - Complex intersections using time-budget method
L40-41 - Intersection problem solutions, Rotaries, Pavement Design
L38_Appendix (Textbook Reference)
L39_40_Appendix (Textbook Reference)
L41_Appendix (Textbook Reference)
Module 5 - Highway Construction Practices and Demand Modelling
Instructors - Dr. Abhisek Mudgal
L28 to 35 - Notes by Dr. Abhisek Mudgal (Transportation Safety, Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Mode Split and Traffic Assignment)
Continuous Evaluation
At Least 3 Quizzes
Class Average = 31
Class Average = 25
Class Average = 20
Class Average = 22.4