Traffic Flow Theory
CE611 - Traffic Flow Theory
Course Learning Outcome: This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth theoretical understanding of traffic control, traffic flow analysis using applied mathematics, and level-of-service evaluation of highways. It also incorporates the concepts of intelligent transportation systems
Session: Offered in Odd Semesters (July 2022 - Dec' 2022) (July 2023 - Dec' 2023) (July 2024 - Dec' 2024)
Broad Syllabus (Lecture Plans Updated Every Year)
Course Materials: (Will be updated every year)
Textbooks and Other Reference Materials:
T1 - Traffic Engineering by Roger P Roess
T2 - (Adolf May) Traffic Flow Theory
T3 - Clive L. Dym - Principles of mathematical modelling (Second Edition)-Academic Press (2004)
T4 - Traffic and HighwayEngineering 4th Edition - Garber and Hoel
T5 - Transportation Engineering - Khisty and Lall
Unit 3 - Intersections, Traffic Signal Design and Operation, Queuing Theory
L20-26 (Lectures by Dr. AM on Queuing Theory)
Continuous Evaluations (Minimum of 3 Quizzes, Assignment, Mid-Term, and End-Term)
Answer Sheets (Open with usual password)
Class Average = 28
Highest = 44