5-day Short-Term Course on
"Advanced Data Analytics and Cyber-Physical Systems for Urban Mobility"
2023 March 13-17 (70 In-person participants and 75 online participants)
Other short-term courses
Coordinated the Short-Term Course (STC) "Safety of Rural Roads (Level-1)", Sponsored National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency (NRIDA), 11-13 February, 2022
Co-Coordinated the Short-Term Course (STC) "Advanced Techniques for Traffic Data Analysis, Visualization, and State Estimation", Sponsored by I-DAPT Hub at IIT (BHU), 20-24 December 2021
Invited Lectures
Invited Speaker at the Faculty Development Program “State-of-the-art Modeling Techniques in Civil Engineering” by Vardhaman College of Engineering in the session titled “Application of Econometric method in Travel Demand
Invited Speaker at the Short-Term Course “Data Analytics and Predictive Techniques for Urban Freight Transportation System” by IIT BHU in the session titled “Data Collection Techniques for Freight Transportation System in India”, November 11, 2021
Invited speaker at the Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership Forum in the session 'B3: Impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on Transport: Strategies for recovery’, September 2, 2021
Invited speaker at the School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) Bhopal for a webinar on “Last-Mile Delivery Innovations in India”, December 12, 2020
Invited speaker at the FedEx Institute of Technology “What's Next” Series on “Autonomous Vehicle Technology Shift in the Post-COVID world”, November 19, 2020
Invited speaker at the AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) at Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology on “Freight Transportation Research: An Indian Perspective and Way Forward”, November 7, 2020
Invited speaker at the TEQIP sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) at TKM College of Engineering, Kerala on “Urban mobility: Challenges and opportunities”, September 9, 2020
Invited speaker at the TU Delft Freight Research Webinar Series on “Freight Demand Modelling with Establishment-based Freight Surveys”, April 30, 2020
Invited speaker at the Freight Transportation Planning Committee AT-015 of Transportation Research Board for the Best Paper Award 2020 on “Disentangling the Implications of Business Age and Size on Freight Demand Modelling Paradigm”, January 10, 2020
Peer Review
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics
Transportation Research Part C: Technology
Transportation Research Record
Journal of Transport Geography
Transportation Letters
Transport Policy
Research in Transportation Economics
Journal of Advanced Transportation
Institution of Engineers (India): Series A
Science and Technology (S&T) research podcast is planned as a part of our group's activities. Stay tuned!