Lab Updates
In December 2023, PI received the "Best Thesis Award in Transportation Planning" by Transportation Research Group (TRG) during CTRG-2023 Surat
In March 2023, PI received funding from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for developing a freight transportation planning handbook for National and State Highways in India
In January 2023, PI received funding for an Indo-Austria Joint Project on Inland Waterways Freight Transport
In July 2022, PI received funding from the US-India Collaborative Research Programme Funded by I-DAPT Technology Innovation Hub of DST and National Science Foundation (NSF)
In August 2021, PI joined IIT (BHU) as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering
In May 2020, PI received the “Young Leader in Sustainable Transport” award from SLOCAT (Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport) and VREF (Volvo Research and Education Foundations)
In April 2020, PI defended his Ph.D. thesis on Freight Transportation Planning
In January 2020, PI received the best paper award from Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015) committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington.
In December 2019, PI started working as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Memphis (UoM), USA
In May 2018, PI received Research Scholarship and Travel Grant from Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) for visiting Hiroshima University and partaking in a research program on autonomous vehicles.
Note: More Updates and new outreach plans are being planned! Website is currently under construction.