Traffic Engineering and Safety
CE625 - Traffic Engineering and Management
Course Code: CE-625 (Open Elective) - for Part III (Semester-VI) Students
Course Learning Outcome: The course aims to provide students with an in-depth theoretical understanding of traffic control, traffic flow analysis using applied mathematics, and level-of-service evaluation of highways. It also incorporates the concepts of intelligent transportation systems.
Session: Offered first for 2023-24 Even Semester (January 2024 – May 2024)
Course Materials
UNIT II: Traffic Flow Analysis using Microscopic and Macroscopic Models
Q1_Problem Set (Syllabus: L1 to L7)
Unit I: Traffic Studies (After Unit II Completion)
Q2_Problem Set (Syllabus L8 to L17)
UNIT III: Network-wide Traffic Analysis
UNIT IV: Traffic Management and Control
Traffic Management Fundamentals of Traffic Management, Principles and Methodology, Traffic Systems Management, Technique of management, Exclusive Bus Lanes Traffic management Techniques, Speed control and Zoning, Parking Control, Traffic Segregation and Channelization, Principles and Design of Traffic Signs, Their Placement and Visibility, Transportation System Management, Route and Network Management, Area Traffic Management, Citywide Traffic Control and Management, Centralized Data Processing and Monitoring.
Reading Materials for Unit IV
T1. Traffic Engineering by Roger P Roess
T2. Jotin Khisty, C. and Kent Lall, B., “Transportation Engineering – An Introduction”, Prentice Hall.
T3. Das and Chakroborty, Principles of Highway Engineering, PHI Learning.
T4. Traffic and HighwayEngineering 4th Edition - Garber and Hoel
T5. Clive L. Dym - Principles of mathematical modelling (2nd Edition)-Academic Press (2004)
T6. Kadiyali, L. R., “Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning”, Khanna Publications.
1. HCM, Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, USA. (2010 edition)
2. Indo HCM, Highway Capacity Manual, India (2017 edition)
Continuous Evaluation (Best of 3 Quizzes + Mid-Term + End-Term)
Quiz-1 (25/01/2024) Problem Set (Syllabus: L1 to L7)
Class Average = 37.2
Quiz-2 conducted on 15/02/2024) Problem Set (Syllabus L8 to L17)
Class Average = 35.4
Mid-Term was conducted on 19/02/2024
Class Average = 22
Quiz-3 conducted on 08/04/2024 Problem Set (Module 4)
Class Average = 16
CE453 - Traffic Engineering
Course Code: CE-453 (Open Elective)
Course Learning Outcome: The course aims to provide students with an in-depth theoretical understanding of traffic control, traffic flow analysis using applied mathematics, and level-of-service evaluation of highways. It also incorporates the concepts of intelligent transportation systems.
Session: Offered in Even Semesters 2021-22 and 2022-23