Airport Engineering

Course Materials for CE-453 Students of IIT (BHU) Varanasi

Unit 1 - Airport Planning

Quiz-1 on August 21, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM


Unit 3 - Airport Infrastructure - Part 1 (Air Demand Economics, Obstructions - Imaginary Surfaces, Runway Geometric Design)

Syllabus Coverage for MID-TERM Exam (Up to and Including L19)

Mid-term Conducted on August 21

Unit 2 - Airport Operations and Design

Lecture Notes

(Exam questions from this unit will be conceptual, based on the classroom notes)

End-Term Exam Pattern

Continuous Evaluation

Evaluation Scheme: [Mid-sem(30%)]+ [Quiz + Term Paper + Attendance (35%)]+ [End-sem (35%)]

Term Paper Topics (Group 1 to 10): Presentation held on November 5