Airport Engineering
Course Materials for CE-453 Students of IIT (BHU) Varanasi
Unit 1 - Airport Planning
Quiz-1 on August 21, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
T1 - Air Transport Demand Forecasting (Chapter 2 of Airport Engineering Planning, Design, and Development of 21st Century Airports by Norman J. Ashford)
T2 - Trip Distribution Problems (Chapter 6 of Transport Planning by PK Sarkar)
T3 - Modal Split Problems (Chapter 7 of Transport Planning by PK Sarkar)
T4 - Traffic Assignment Problems (Chapter 9 of Principles of Transport Engineering by Partha Chakraborty and Animesh Das)
Unit 3 - Airport Infrastructure - Part 1 (Air Demand Economics, Obstructions - Imaginary Surfaces, Runway Geometric Design)
L12-15 Appendix (Chapter 2 of Transportation Engineering by Khisty and Lall)
L16-17 - Airport Infrastructure - Classification, Obstructions - Imaginary Surfaces
L16-17 Appendix (Animation of Imaginary Surfaces)
L18-19 Runway Length Computation and Corrections for Elevation, Temp, Grade
L18-19 Appendix (Textbook Chapter on Runway Length Computation)
Syllabus Coverage for MID-TERM Exam (Up to and Including L19)
Mid-term Conducted on August 21
Unit 2 - Airport Operations and Design
Airline Routes and Network Structure (Lecture by Dr. BB)
Case-studies of Airline Management (Lecture by Dr. BB)
Airport Design from Architecture Point-of-view (Lecture by Dr. NK)
(Exam questions from this unit will be conceptual, based on the classroom notes)
Unit 4 - Airport Infrastructure - Part 2 (Airfield Pavement Design, Runway and Taxiway Markings, Visual Aids, Drainage, ATC)
L31-32 Airfield Pavement ACN-PCN Calculations, Rigid Pavement FAA Design
L33-34 Airfield Rigid Pavement Design Continued, LCN Method, Markings
L35 Airfield Pavement Lightings, Main Taxiway Geometric Design
End-Term Exam Pattern
Total marks = 100
Post Mid-term Portion = 60 Marks
Pre-Mid-term Portions = 40 Marks
Numericals 70%; Theoretical concept-based questions 30%
Continuous Evaluation
Evaluation Scheme: [Mid-sem(30%)]+ [Quiz + Term Paper + Attendance (35%)]+ [End-sem (35%)]
Quiz-1 (Out of 60)
Mid-sem Examination (Out of 60)
Term Paper Presentations (Out of 30) - Evaluation Components: 1-3 page original summary report, presentation PPT, presentation Q&A
End-sem Examination (Out of 100)
Term Paper Topics (Group 1 to 10): Presentation held on November 5
Airport Cross-Modal Shift Competition
Contemporary Airport Demand Forecasting and Economics
Airport Catchment Area Identification
Airport Pavement Rating System
Airline Route and Network Development
Advancements in Pavement Design and Rehabilitation
Airport Delay Prediction for Airline Management
Airport Runway Configuration and Capacity
Airport Pavement Deterioration and Monitoring
Airport Location Selection and Spatial Economics